Last Walk-in of the Night

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Al Mendoza

Bow Wow blog


Believe me when I say; You are only living one half a life if you are not sharing it with an animal that can teach you how to enjoy the whole thing.


Oslo and his cohorts

I would like to take this time to tell you about my main mammals. Our mission in life is to keep all the squirrels in the trees where they belong. We have been informed by our General that if all these fur brains were to conjugate on the ground   simultaneously the Earth would fall off its axis and we would go hurtling into the cosmos. Whatever that means.

So we’ve created an elite combat force. It’s my pleasure to introduce to you “The Marauders”.

First off there’s our General Bosco. He’s our General mainly because he does nothing. He spends his time chewing on Bones getting snacks from his human and slobbering on anything close to him. Just like a real General.

Then there’s Emma, no other dog has her endurance. Her primary objective is to constantly penetrate the Enemy Lines. Confusing the enemy to no end while putting herself in constant Danger.

Next comes Roxy, our low reconnaissance seek-and-destroy vehicle.She infiltrates enemy strongholds and locates their positions. Then reports their whereabouts back to Mission Control.

That’s where Captain Teddy and I Oslo, his wingman, come in. We call the two girls the Berserkers. Captain Teddy and I are the Cowboys.

We’re called on to finish the job and put those tree rats back where they belong. The only problem is Captain Ted, he’s a Brit and he gets distracted. A lot! Sometimes on Mission he’ll just make a right turn and head for the picnic tables and the trash cans looking for anything to scarf. He calls it “tea time” and then the completion of the mission is left up to me. But the Rocket Dog is always up to the challenge. America never has to worry because The Marauders are on the job! But if you would like to contribute snacks and treats please send them to El Dorado Park in care of Oslo the Rocket Dog. That’s it, those are my brothers and sisters and I love them all.


No squirrels were hurt or injured in the writing of this blog.

                     Those dirty no-good  w#//%@! Tree rats

Picture of Al Mendoza

Al Mendoza

I've been interested in documenting my life. This is just the beginning.

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